Seeing former LT. Governor Kim Guadagno at the wonderful gala at the Shore Casino Thursday night for Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso was not a surprise to anyone who knows how the gracious and enthusiastic Kim is always right there to support those in whom she believes. She reminded everyone at the event what’s happening to strong women in county government these days and reiterated her very strong support of the very strong Serena as a means of combating this awful apparently new trend in Monmouth County. Well, new in the last couple of years. It also reminded me of a story I wrote for the Two River Times in December of 2014. It was the month before Atlantic Highlands Councilmembers Peter Doyle and Jack Archibald were being sworn in on borough council, and the ever vivacious, energetic, and friendly Kim showed that she is once such a great friend of the Bayshore and it was announced she was swearing the pair into office. Here’s the story from December, 2014.
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