Seeing Wanda R write what makes her happy is one of the three things today that made me happy. I’m a firm believer in positive thinking and taking aside a couple of minutes to concentrate on just three things in that particular day that made you happy makes you feel even happier. I encourage you to try it and share.
Besides sharing Wanda’s happiness, I was also happy today that Father Jarlath said an extra mass this evening in case anyone who could not make it this morning had a second chance, and I took advantage of it. That’s because I have so much to be thankful for, not the least of which is that five years ago today I was in that 27 minute trial that cured me from cancer without pain, surgery, radiation or chemo, simply because I was diagnosed early and dared to try something no one in New Jersey and only 17 people in the nation tried. This marks the end of the trial for this wonderful procedure developed by ICE CURE, a great company in Israel. Look to Veni, Vidi, Scripto very soon again to see what happened in my five year and final checkup for breast cancer. A great story with a happy ending.