03 Mar

Just returning from receiving my second Moderna vaccine at Brookdale Community College, I’m once again high on praise for the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners, their partnership with Brookdale Community College and the nurses, student nurses at Brookdale and other  volunteers who are manning the site with efficiency, speed, courtesy, and downright hospitality and plenty of smiles.     The vaccines are administered at the Robert J. Collins Arena, a building name for another great leader in the county, a former administrator. The partnership also includes Monmouth Medical Center and just shows how working together towards a common goal is so efficient.    Reportedly the site receive 2,500 vaccines, with plans for 2,000 vaccines to be  administered over five days each week. The other 500 will be administered at the Monmouth County Agriculture Building in Freehold. All vaccines are administered by appointment, there are no walk-ins, and yes, there’s a long waiting list. You can check it out at https://hipaa.jotform.com/2101... You would then be contacted by the Monmouth County Health Department to schedule the vaccination.  Or go to www.visitmonmouth.com and use the Monmouth County COVID-19 Vaccine Waitlist to be placed on the waitlist for an appointment if it’s still open.  I don’t know if they still need volunteers anywhere, but if you’re so inclined, try the Monmouth County Health Department Phone Bank at 732-845-2070 or e-mail MonmouthCOVID19@visitmonmouth.com.      It’s the organization that impresses you first. No, wait, even before that, it’s the friendly smiles and greetings of those who lead you through the process, from temperature taking to answering the usual questions, to filing out information, having that checked to be sure you remembered to fill out the back side as well, to being directed to a another volunteer who checks your credentials, which means, for the second shot, be sure to have the card with you from your first one….better yet, take a photo of it and have it on your phone for easy access.  From there, you’re directed to another friendly and smiling volunteer who lets you know which nurse to step up to in order to get your vaccine. Today, I was assigned to #13, where a volunteer retired nurse, Gale, was wearing that same great smile everyone else had, friendly greeting, and quick conversation while she administered the shot. Then it’s a 15 wait to be sure you don’t have any immediate reaction and you’re on your way, one step further away from getting the dreaded virus.    I mention all this again because sometimes we fail to say thank you or show appreciation to all those who are volunteering, or even if paid, working under these circumstances just to help others. When the center opened at 1 after lunch, there was already a line that stretched from the parking lot to the door and back again. But because of the efficiency inside, it moved quickly and conversations among strangers in line included lots of glee and surprise over that,  stories about their friends who had already received second shots that they had no reaction, or were simply tired the next day, and today, of course, lots of comments about the gorgeous weather.    We’re lucky to live in Monmouth County. And we’re lucky to have Commissioner who believe in working well with others.  

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