18 May

 There are always so many more things that make me happy, and that’s the same for everyone, if each should took two minutes a day to think of them.  Whether it’s a smile from a stranger, the sight of a couple of puppies playing together, the joy of hearing a bird singing in the trees, they all make us happy. Stop to realize it and the happiness is doubled.  

Narrowing it down to three today was first,  hearing the news that McFly’s on the Hook is open every day now and owner Barney is as genial and friendly as ever. Take advantage of these sunshine-filled days and go over to Sandy Hook, go out past MAST…admiring the work being done on that dilapidated former barracks that will soon be the NJROTC Center for Mast… and before you get to the Lighthouse, find McFly‘s on the Hook, enjoy a great sandwich or a milkshake and let him know how happy you are you can finally get some great snacks on the Hook. It’s a great place.    

Second to make me happy early this morning was seeing how neat and clean the Fitness Center on Route 36 at the edge of Highlands looks every day. There was once again a hard working team out there ensuring the grass is mowed and there’s absolutely no trash anywhere around. They do a great job, and the businesses in that mall appreciate it, I’m sure. As a consumer, I certainly do.    

Third today was hearing the Monmouth County Library is having what’s being termed a “Lighthouse Week” at the beginning of June featuring the talks of several historians and professionals on different lighthouses. The talks, including one on the Twin Lights by its own great historian Nick Wood, have been presented virtually in recent weeks, but Laura Migliore, the Program Director for the County libraries, indicated they’ve all been so popular they’re going to be featured again for all those who missed the first presentations.  Look for the dates of that, or simply go to monmouthcountylib.org, scroll over to Upcoming Events and check them out. While you’re there, look at some of the other fantastic programs the library offers. What a team they have.     

Check back on Veni, Vidi, Scripto for a series of articles soon on everything that made me happy during a week’s cruise on the Chesapeake aboard American Cruise Lines’ Independence! What a gorgeous country we have! And how much I learned about crabs and ‘picking.” And some more facts about the American Revolution in Yorktown and Williamsburg!  And what a pleasant and wonderful surprise to learn you’re traveling with a couple of  former famous local folks you haven’t seen in 30 or more years, just happened to be coming from Florida for the same trip! You never can tell.!

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