29 Apr

Recently there has been a broad depiction of police officers within our country, that only focuses on those that do wrong and negates the courage and heroism it takes to be a police officer.  

Unfortunately, our police force of Atlantic Highlands was recently grouped in with the awful unlawful actions of a few throughout the country.  

I would like to address this as well as acknowledge the professional and respectful Police Department that serves and protects our families and community.  However this message reaches the reader, I want to lead with my intentions: which are to unify our community and acknowledge that broad generalizations can be dangerous, irresponsible and continue to spread hate and division.  

Those actions do not align with the inclusive culture of our welcoming borough.  There is no question that an ever-growing divide is going on within our country but slowly and quietly it is making its way within our very own small community.  General blanket statements on social media fueled by anger and rage over national events create a false narrative that spreads throughout households, classrooms, and our community at large.     

It is important for all of us to speak our opinion and necessary for us to stand for those less fortunate and against injustice of any kind.  However, the “divide” we as a community should be creating is one of Right vs. Wrong… not Left vs. Right / Right vs. Left, Race vs. Race, or Gender vs. Gender.  We should be standing with those that fight for justice over injustice and be careful not to generalize against any specific group.  

Recently, I was approached and asked about a post made on social media against police officers in general, that failed to acknowledge our very own and how they stand above the national headlines.  Our police officers in AH are good people, incredibly efficient and the first ones to put their lives on the lines for any resident in danger or need.  I would like to believe the post made on the FB page of our AH Democratic Party were made with the intent of standing for what is right and against what is happening throughout the world.  

However, the impact these types of posts have locally is not one that benefits or improves our community.  These comments divide and imply these problems are in our backyard.  They pin neighbor vs. neighbor and do not encourage those that put their lives in harm’s way to defend and protect and serve our borough.         

I ask all of us to stand strong against violence, racism, and hatred of all forms.  Also, to give credit where credit is due, and make sure your public comments do not generalize or group good people in this case, officers with those that are not fit to serve. 

Thank you, Jim Murphy Council President, Atlantic Highlands Police Commissioner    

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